Before being introduced to Agtech, the fertilizer program for this property consisted of chicken litter, Sulphate of Potash and Urea (100kg/Ha). The soil had major issues with sodium (salt)

The cattle were agitated and scouring, and they were being fed 4-6kg in the bail.

The dairy farmer was looking for answers.

The current fertilizer program consists of a solid fertilizer blend, and urea as required (40kg Ha). Also used is liquid fertilizer from the dairy ponds, having been composted and enhanced with biology with Dairy Pond Bioactor.

The cattle are now very settled with no scouring, with the cows production improving every year. (37 litres in peak of season)

Cows are being fed only 2kg/day in bails now. Fertilizer costs and bought-in feed are much lower.

NB. 13 years of using chicken litter with a 12.7 kg of Sodium Chloride per tonne has led to soil testing showing sodium at 8 times higher than desirable level. Soil tests showed 492ppm / desired levels are 63ppm.